About Us
Sir C.V. Raman College is an educational institution where management primarily focuses on achieving two major goals. The first goal is advancing knowledge and the second goal is educating a new generation while impacting society at the same time.This primary aim has propelled its growth towards establishing a future for our nation. A future that spells academic excellence; a future that spells strong fundamental principles; a future that embraces not only the challenges of tomorrow but is ready for the next generation.
The college is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities while providing the foundation for advanced study in all fields and courses offered via the curriculum. The faculty, support staff and administrative functionalities work in conjunction to integrate innovation, research and exceptional teaching methods that are outreaching. The college works hard at changing the lives of students by and large and is central to produce responsible global citizens whose educational background and learning can define a future that we all aspire to create for them today.
Ever since the foundation of the college, Sir CV Raman Arts and Science College has endeavoured to be a pioneer and advocate philanthropist ideologies that endorse higher education.These ideologies include embracing the educational needs of the emerging middle class while simultaneously transforming learning needs using urban identity and a professional focus as a developmental tool.
Our mission is to foster a teaching and learning environment that will help students understand subjects and course content while evaluating information that is creative productive and will disseminate effective communication. Our methodologies are corroborated to help students to make strategic use of knowledge. Their efforts should contribute to both national and global advancement, promote civic responsibility and enable them to explore the world of possibilities beyond the barriers of diversity.
Our Faculty
We are a dynamic and passionate team committed to making a positive impact in your life. At the heart of our team lies a diverse group of individuals, each bringing their unique expertise, skills, and perspectives.
Dr. S. Anthony Raj BBM.,MFT.,MBA.,M.Phil.,PGDCA.,PGDOM.,PGDM.,DIM.,PhD., | Professor and Principal |
Dr. Kalpana Sai. B B.E, MBA, M.Sc. (Psy.), Ph.D. | Professor and Vice Principal |
Dr.R.Ganeshmurthi MIB | Associate Professor |
Dr.B. Palaniswamy M.Com, M.Phil, B.Ed., NET., Ph.D., | Assistant Professor |
Mr.D.Karivaradharaj B.E, MBA, M.Sc. (Psy.) | Assistant Professor |
Ms. S .Jansi Rani M.Com., | Assistant Professor |
Mr.K. Vigneshwaran M.Com | Assistant Professor |
Ms.T.R. Nandhini M.Com, PGDCA., | Assistant Professor |
Mrs.R.Thenmozhi B.Sc. (Maths), M.C.A., M.Phil, | Assistant Professor |
Mrs.V.Ganapriya MCA., | Assistant Professor |
Mr.S. Surya M.Sc., M.Phil. | Assistant Professor |
Mrs.S.Punitha MCA, PGDDM, | Assistant Professor |
Ms.J.Nithya MCA., | Assistant Professor |
Ms.M.Geetha MCA., | Assistant Professor |
Mrs.K.Kavimani MA, BL, M.Phil., | Assistant Professor (Tamil) |
Mrs G. Vallikannu MA,DTP.,M.Phil., | Assistant Professor (Tamil) |
Ms. J.Tamilselvi MA., | Assistant Professor (English) |
Mr.J. Abishek Daniel MA., | Assistant Professor (English) |
Mrs.V.Sindhu M.Sc.,M.Phil., | Assistant Professor (Maths) |
Mr.P.Varadharajan M.PED.,M.Phil., | Physical Director |
Mrs.T.Pavithra MBA., MLIS., | Librarian |
Mrs.P.Chitra MLIS., | Assistant Librarian |
College Bus Information
Route 1.Thudiyalur to College
Route 2. Mettupalayam to College.